Sunday, February 9, 2020

Library Worksheets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Library Worksheets - Essay Example On this link, I found a number of search feedbacks. From the different options provided, I chose the link and then typed the word globalization. From the search I was able to get the needed information based on the topic of discussion. Reich (5) defines globalization in the text as the tendency to transform the economic and political aspects to match the international standards. I would not use this source for various reasons. One reason why the source is not viable is that it was written in 1998 and globalization is a dynamic concept and the various definitions can be changed based on the prevailing circumstances taking place in the international system. Consequently, the definition is not clear as othe3r concepts are used to explain globalization ensuring sustained confusion in the meaning. In fact, the source as established and the inherent definition may not validate the concept of globalization in the modern dispensation. The Google search is a very effective tool for looking up information. Immediately I keyed in the information, I managed to get the information I needed in an instant. However, the searches bring about a number numerous information that can otherwise confuse someone though somebody with a stable mind and focus can easily spot the information needed. The article provides a broad perspective over which a number of issues can be painted in so far as the concept of globalization is concerned. The information is precise and current to the components that define the concept of globalization. The search used for this part of the exercise was the articles and journals that are found online. The information in the articles is well researched on and precise to a larger extent. Most of the information is current and well referenced. The source defines the concept of globalization in varied and different ways. Globalization in the

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